I?ll be happy to sign your paycheck- as long as you do whatever I say. Deal?
Literally. I was looking at the etymology of the word Boss, which apparently is derived from the words Baas or Baes both of which mean master or overlord. From what I hear from some people, it doesn?t sound too far off. If you love your job, feel fortunate.
I figured I would start the week out with a little etymology lesson to help put things into perspective.
New Gadgets!
I picked up an iPod touch that I?ve been playing around with. I?ve successfully turned it into a WiFi phone and I?m seeing some of the other things I can do with it.
Below are some tweets that I sent out from the iPod over the past couple of days. I?m exploring all of the different things I can do with it, but so far I?m really impressed.
In case you missed last week, I posted an article discussing?grants for entrepreneurs, and?5 funny jobs I wish existed. Now, onto the tweets and the carnival.
Andy griffithing it up with my wife! Man this show is adorable. Born 20 yrs too late?
#andygriffith ow.ly/i/SzTe? Wealth Artisan (@wealthartisan) August 25, 2012
Tori Spelling approves these beads. ow.ly/i/SG6Z
? Wealth Artisan (@wealthartisan) August 26, 2012
Wealth Artisan FinCarn
Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Lack of Liquidity May Be Why You Don?t Feel Rich ? Having a lack of liquidity has real negative consequences that can be really bad for your finances.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Is Budgeting Worth Your Time? ? Find out how you can keep budgeting simple and avoid the time consuming tasks that are often associated with managing your finances.
Corey @ 20s Finances writes Young Adult Retirement Planning ? Benefits of Saving a Lot Early ? Find out when you should start saving for retirement and how much you should be saving for retirement.
A Blinkin @ Funancials writes Should I Die This Year or Next Year? ? 2013 Federal Estate Taxes When you?re dealing with a death in your family, the last thing you want to think about is what fraction of the estate goes to the United States government. What?s remarkable is that depending on WHEN you die, that fraction could be significantly higher (or lower).
krantcents @ KrantCents writes Start a Business at 59 Years Old? ? Would you start a business at 59 years old? Bob Chinn did! His seafood restaurant is the highest grossing restaurant in the United States. It is not in New York or Chicago or Los Angeles! It is in Wheeling, Illinois. It is just thirty (30) miles from Chicago.
Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes Clearing Out the Clutter ? Clutter is the enemy to us all! Read my attempt to conquer it!
Kevin @ Thousandaire writes Prepare For An Emergency Today!!! ? Let me tell you a story about what happened to me and my girlfriend Tag over the weekend. It was seriously one of the scariest moments of my life.
MMD @ My Money Design writes Blogging Tips from All the Dumb Mistakes I Made My First Year ? I made a lot of mistakes within the first year of my blog. Here?s a look back at them and my blogging tips for doing things the right way!
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes 4 Tax Law Changes We Need To Make Permanent ? With the presidential election beginning to heat up in America over the next several months, we are all going to hear a lot about income taxes.
Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes I Don?t Need to Worry about Retirement Yet, Do I? ? When is it time to worry about your retirement savings? Read my article to learn when?
BARBARA FRIEDBERG @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes 5 TIPS TO GET RICH AND BUILD WEALTH ? Building wealth is a key to independence and freedom; and it?s not all about the money. More people get depressed, get divorced, and get stressed over money issues than most other worries. By eliminating the living paycheck to paycheck fears and building long term wealth, emergency savings, and money for retirement, you remove one of the life?s greatest stressors.
TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Real Estate Leverage ? Using it to Your Advantage ? Are you wondering what real estate leverage is? Find out the answer and how to leverage your money to build wealth faster without the risk.
PPlaner @ Provident Plan writes Is Prepaid or Traditional the right credit card for you? ? Last week I talked about whether you should avoid debt. In case you haven?t read the article, I talked about how managing our finances, like much of life, is never black and white. This applies to debt. In many ways it may be advantageous to be debt free, but not always.
Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Should You Invest in Dividend Stocks? ? Find out if dividend stocks live up to the hype. The payment structure seems to have an advantage on other stocks, but is that really the case?
Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes How Much Money Are We Supposed to Spend on Friends? ? Friends. My biggest monetary pet peeve lately. Nowadays it is not easy to be a good friend. Nor it is cheap anymore.
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Prioritizing Your Debt Pay Off ? Find out the best strategy to paying off debt. Learning the best way to pay off debt can motivate anyone to get started now.
Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think writes How to Make Extra Income With Online Odd Jobs ? Where to find fresh opportunities to supercharge your earnings without the hassle of starting a traditional business.
Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes Is RIM a Good Investment? ? Research In Motion (RIM for short) has been an icon for Canada with their Blackberry but the fierce competition it has faced since Apple came out with the iPhone has challenged their market hold on the smartphone. Not only has Apple taken a bite of their market but so has the Android based smartphones.
Steve @ Brip Blap writes http://www.bripblap.com/the-only-real-sources-of-passive-income/ ? Don?t think you?ll get rich without working for it. Everything you can generate wealth from takes effort. Writing a book is hard work. It may create a wealthstream for years to come, but that?s what you should be aiming for: wealthstreams, not passive income.
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Preparing Our Finances 4 Home Ownership ? By estimating our mortgage and bills and preparing our finances for home ownership now, we can begin to adjust our budget to avoid a financial apocalypse later.
John Border @ All about Money writes Planning For Retirement ? The Basics ? Get the basics right before you start planning for your retirement. This is a must to build a decent corpus for retirement.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Couples and Money ? Splitting the Bills ? A guide for couples on how to split the bills they are now facing together, presenting three different ways and the advantages of each.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Emerging Market Debt: Having Your Cake and Eating it Too ? Emerging market debt trades at ? twice the yield of developed country debt and triple the fundamentals.
Daisy @ Add Vodka writes Planning For Homebuying ? I will admit that I am really not always the most patient of people. When I get something in my head, I want it now. Not in a year, not in three months, NOW.
PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes Negotiating Your Salary and Benefits ? Find out important career tips and what you can do to negotiate your way to a better job.
Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes Decidiing When to Retire ? Deciding when to retire can be a difficult decision to make. Will I have enough income from my retirement accounts, pension, and social security to live comfortably in retirement?
IMB @ Investing Money writes Investing Money is Important ? Find out why investing money is important. You could be missing out on a lot of money.
Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes What Determines the Value On Your Home Loan? ? You?ll see a lot of three-letter acronyms thrown around as you shop for a home loan: APR, FHA, PMI. It?s enough to make your head spin. But there?s one mortgage acronym ? LTV, short for loan-to-value ratio ? that?s always puzzled me. Read more to get the lowdown!
Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents. writes Do You Want To Be Self Employed? ? Being self employed has both positives and negatives. Being self employed also isn?t as easy as most people think!
Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Investing In Yourself Doesn?t Have To Be Expensive ? There is plenty of buzz out there these days about ?investing in yourself?. Usually it is in reference to some magical product that you should buy. The logic is that by investing in what they have to offer, you are really just spending the money to improve themselves, and really, who doesn?t want that?
Young @ Young And Thrifty writes How Far Would You Go to Score a Deal? ? This is my journey to get myself 16,500 free Aeroplan points. It took a while, but in the end I was able to take a mini vacation!
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes That Old Refrigerator May Be Costing You ? Got an old fridge? Tired of soaring energy costs? Here are some strategies to save you money!
Eddie @ Finance Fox writes The Cold Hard Truth On Being a Personal Finance Blogger ? What I Learned In Less Than 2 Years! ? Looking back now at your blogging journey, you can agree with me on this: Being a blogger and blogging is anything but easy.
Boomer @ Boomer & Echo writes Are You Counting On An Inheritance? ? Many boomers are not well prepared for their own retirements and are expecting an inheritance windfall to reduce their debts and provide an income.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Living Paycheck to Paycheck ? In my recent wanderings on the world wide web, I came across an article on CBS MoneyWatch that said 38% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. This is up from 31% back in 1997.
YFS @ Your Finances Simplified writes 2 Home Buying Tips That People Never Tell You! ? I would like to talk about home ownership, in particular, mortgages. Now everyone tells you that home ownership is better than renting.
John @ Married (with Debt) writes We Did It: Debt Free ? How we became consumer debt free, and how you can too. Intentional living for married couples. Get out of debt.
L Bee @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes 7 New Home Budget Busters ? I had originally set a goal for this month of not letting my spending get over 1k. I topped this number easily and upon further examination realized there were several culprits. I moved into a new apartment two months ago ? Continue reading ?The post 7 New Home Budget Busters appeared first on L Bee and the Moneytree.
A Blinkin @ Funancials writes The Ideal Budget for a Single Guy (Age 24) ? The transition from college student to young professional can be one of the most fun times in your life, but it can also be a time of stress. The increasing inflow can be extremely exciting, but only if it exceeds the increasing outflow. The bills that mom and dad used to cover (without your knowing) are now directed to your mailbox. This article will tell a 24 year old single guy how to budget.
Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes My Advice to a Person Budgeting for the First Time ? Someone asked for my help this past week in creating a budget for their household.
Holly @ Club Thrifty writes Real Estate Rehab: Confessions of a Houseaholic ? I am ashamed to admit this but?my name is Holly?and I have a problem. I am addicted to real estate. Please feel free to read on and share in my story.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Budgeting Can Change Your Life And Get You Out Of The Debt Hole ? Budgets and budgeting are the key to savings and getting out of debt.
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Steps to Achieve Financial Security ? Learn three basic steps to achieve financial security. Everyone should be striving for this goal because of what it offers.
JP @ My Family Finances writes No. You Don?t Need to Buy Life Insurance for Your Children ? Buying life insurance for your children to guarantee insurability is like paying money to protect hypothetical people.
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes How Are Stocks Classified? ? Read my article to learn how Stock are classified, and in the process gain a possible new perspective on them.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Real estate ownership: a blessing or a bother? ? I am on holiday and the real estate problems I have in Bulgaria is heavy on my mind. To rent or to sell?
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Brown Bag It: Tips For Making Cheap Lunch ? Deciding to brown bag it doesn?t meal relegating yourself to a life of school lunches with PB&J and baby carrots. Here are my favorite adult lunch ideas.
Jason @ Work Save Live writes 4 Ways to Build an Emergency Fund Faster ? Should You Have an Emergency Fund? Despite conventional wisdom suggesting that it would be wise to have a stash of savings set aside for unforeseen events that life could throw your way, many Americans opt to forgo the safety net and face life?s challenges on a whim.
Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Make Time To Enjoy Life While Swimming in Chaos ? You never know what is around the corner, so make sure you make time to enjoy life! You only get one shot at it!
SB @ One Cent at a Time writes How to replace HP Laptop ? Effectively managing financial institution accounts is equally important as saving money. Still we don?t usually put much attention on managing side of the personal finance. In personal finance, diversification is as important as managing that diversified portfolio. Do it effectively
Marie at FamilyMoneyValues @ Family Money Values writes Alternative Investments ? Forex Trading ? A beginner?s introduction to foreign exchange trading.
Deacon Hayes @ Well Kept Wallet writes Why it Pays to Go Back to the Store ? Every time I go to Fry?s, they post the ads on the right as soon as you walk in the door. I have made it a habit to go over to see if there is anything that is a good deal or worth looking at. Well, this time I noticed that a radio I had bought within the past 30 days was on sale for $20 less. I remembered that they had a price match guarantee and decided I would ask if they would give me the difference.
Shilpan @ Street Smart Finance writes Achieve Financial Freedom: Awesome Lessons to Spruce up Your Finances ? Achieving financial freedom is no small feat to undertake. Bogeyman is around the corner to snatch up your money before you even know. Even brightest among us face peril of losing wealth, if few major bumps come along the way.
Steve @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Is it OK to get a discount if you are good looking? ? Would you turn down a discount because you were good looking? A customer received a discount for being good looking. This was simply a joke by the server but honestly it brings up a good question, do good looking people get discounts?
Matt @ Dividend Monk writes The Dividend Discount Model ? Whether one invests in individual securities or not, it?s good knowledge to know the core essentials behind valuing a cash-producing asset. The Dividend Discount Model is the streamlined, old-school version for dividend stocks.
Steven @ Grocery Alerts writes 3 Monthly Expenses to Cut to Save you Money ? Although monthly expenses don?t seem like very much, but they can really add up. For example, a $100 cable bill on a monthly basis equates to $1200 at the end of the year. Here are a few tips on some monthly expenses that you could consider cutting.
CF @ The Outlier Model writes Fiverr should be called fourer ? Fiverr is a great peer to peer marketplace where you can buy and sell goods and services for $5. Sounds great, but as I recently found out, there is a hefty service fee?
Source: http://wealthartisan.com/your-boss-is-your-master-new-gadgets-carnival/
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