Day 260 of 366: Blog Challenge 2012
Hello all
This morning Geoff and I went to church which was really nice, as a Fillipino choir was singing brilliantly so we soaked up the atmosphere and came away uplifted and happy.
After church we did come home but my mood was far too good to be at home drinking coffee. Besides I was all dressed up and so while we were still in the driveway, we made a split decision to continue on and have coffee at a little cafe near us.
I have written before about Christopher?s Cafe and the ?to die for? apple pie with cream (and ice-cream if desired) that I like to eat when I am there so of course it was always going to be obvious what we would have with our coffee.
It all turned out very well: we ran into some old acquaintances and had a catch-up with them, finished our morning tea and headed for home. While we were having coffee, I was trying to work out my latest Samsung Galaxy Smart Phone that Geoff and I had acquired on Friday. I was loving every moment of figuring it out folks!
But life is rather strange isn?t it? Sometimes it hands you things you would never have known unless someone told you about them, especially in the pre-internet days.? So on this occasion it was handed to me when I decided to try out the internet on my phone by Googling something ? anything.
Okay what would I Google? What have I just been doing? Oh of course, ? Sunday morning coffee? sounds good! Boom ?? up came all those pages of Google with Sunday morning coffee in the title. I had no idea that there were blogs called ?Sunday Morning Coffee? or so many posts that were written with this exact title.
There was one American news website called ?Sunday Morning Coffee? that said:
?It?s like several friends getting together over coffee talking about politics, gossip,? the day and events that are important?and not so much.? It?s Sunday Morning Coffee?grab a cup and let?s visit.?
And so the website proceeded to give you all the latest American news and gossip. An interesting concept to be sure.
There was also a website called The Urban List which is all about food, shopping and where to eat and drink coffee, but the surprise was, it is about places in my home town of Brisbane. How delightful was that! There was a spot called ?Sunday Drip? listing interesting coffee places around the inner city. I have now bookmarked this website for future use!
But the thing that first captured my attention (I have saved the best for last folks) was a heading which said: ?Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? and there was a name: Jerry Seinfeld. What was this? A series perhaps? How could you possibly have a comedy about comedians in cars getting coffee? I mean ? REALLY?
Seinfeld with Larry David
Well, I am here to tell you folks (and perhaps YOU have been onto this faster than I was) that Jerry Seinfeld now has a? 13 minute comedy piece on the internet which involves Jerry taking his friends out for coffee in different vintage cars.
This is not a series on TV. No. This is strictly a web-based segment so you can catch up on all the episodes on
I watched two episodes and if you liked Jerry Seinfeld in his hit comedy series in the past, you will enjoy watching him catch up with friends. In the one where he picks up good friend Larry David (who was involved in the comedy Seinfeld) there was some classic lines which were vintage Seinfeld.
One of the lines saw Jerry talking to Larry about how they ever managed to get any work done and Jerry says:
?You know one of the things the comedian mindset requires is laziness ? ?
The mind boggles! There is another line where Jerry wonders why they could always come up with great writing whenever Larry smoked a cigar after lunch while they were chatting. Larry insisted that smoking a cigar (not a cigarette) relaxes you and when you are relaxed you have time to think and this brings forth creativity.? Jerry muses that CIGARS have a presence somehow ?
But the classic line was when Larry says to Jerry at the end of the meal:
?Jerry, you?ve finally made a show about nothing.?
This is a good idea for some of us ?
And that pretty well sums up the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? folks. If you need a Seinfeld fix, get on and get your fix. There are nine episodes there ready to watch. I also watched one with Alec Baldwin and it was delightful. I saw another side to Baldwin I have never seen before. It?s a classic.
And if you love classic cars there is discussion about them too, but in a humorous way as only Seinfeld can deliver.
And so now as my Sunday is coming to an end, I can look back and say that putting Sunday Morning Coffee into Google actually made my day ? well Sunday actually.
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